Pondering in Paraguay

Pondering in Paraguay
Questions, Comments, and Connections on my crazy new life abroad

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Technology is killing me

So despite the benefits of having access to the internet, it comes with its disadvantages. I get on Facebook to make a wall post and I'm immediately greeted with numerous photos of closing weekend at Vail, graduation parties, and other outings that I am no longer a part of. I read conversations among others talking about how fun last weekend was, and who did what and who said this to who...among other "chisme" (Spanish for gossip). I then start browsing through old photos on my profile and think how good I looked in my favorite summer dress. If only I had my full wardrobe I'd be so much cuter. If only my legs weren't covered in mosquito bites then I'd be able to wear fun summer clothes.

I then get bored with Facebook and turn to Skype, only to have my sister tell me, "to hang on a second, that the brownies are finished." What I would do for a brownie right! Meanwhile, I'm sneaking Cliff Bars at eleven o'clock at night because dinner consisted of rolls of pig skin....I think I'll pass. She then tells me that she'll have to call me back later because "Grey's Anatomy" is on. Yeah, I should get going too I think, because some dubbed over American film is sure to come on soon. Brad Pitt just isn't as sexy with a mismatched Spanish voice over.

I should be grateful that I even have internet. If nothing else, it reminds me of what I'm missing out on back home.


  1. oh sammy you know that a dumbed over brad pitt is probally even sexier. Grey's Anatomy has gone down hill and I was even disapointed with Despertes season finally.

  2. that was from your twinnie

  3. Hey Sam! We are all pretty amazed at what you are doing there! Just think about the fact that this is a blib in your life. The people there are living this their entire life! Have a pigrine from me. Mmmm....:)

  4. wow. I believe thats a hard part in your trip! But dont forget, you will only be there for 2 years (if I understood right from Sabrina).. You will appreciate all those things more and more when you got back, and Im sur you will miss thing from there.. I hope so! Hope you can enjoy this adventure?! xx Mandy (from holland, sabrinas friend)

  5. Sam, At least you have Brad Pitt and you can always dream. Remember before your time in the OLD days people had no contact except for the postal service and that often took weeks or months. The internet at least makes it bearable.
    We are enjoying your postings.
    Lana is getting ready to take off in about a week on her big adventure. She started a blog.
    Perhaps you can check in with each other.
    Hang in there Sam, you're living the dream.

  6. Sammy, that post (Technology is killing you) reminds me of an article about marriage that I just read in the Denver Post-- it was all about technology (specifically social networking sites like facebook) creating rifts in marriages because of messages with external people that create affairs, and messaging at the dinner table. It was a little depressing. I just wanted to say that maybe we can make technology make you feel better. I just downloaded tons of movies to my computer, and I was thinking that we could skype and I could do that thing where I show you my screen so that you can watch the videos with me... I have tons of options including Forgetting Sarah Marshall and 500 days of Summer which were very similar to the current theme of my life, my current predicament of Forgetting Brian Hall and 500 days of Brian. Sadly in both of those movies, the male in the relationship was the inept idiot who did not see the imminent demise of the relationship, and in my own life, it was I who missed that tiny but very pertinent factoid... the meteor headed for planet Michelle. A tad dramatic. I know. Oh well... you live and you learn and you make more dumb decisions right? Anyways, I guess shoot me a facebook message letting me know how you feel about my skype girls' night video idea... I also just downloaded Sex and the City -- so we could watch that together. Yay! Ok, on a more sensitive note, all that is left to say is -- no more kissing 50 year old men on the cheek... and I don't know what I would do if something happened to you-- more importantly, I don't know what Rod, Joyce, Courtney and the rest of the Davis clan would do, so please start practicing your self defense and getting in shape Demi Moore GI Jane style or I will NEVER NEVER NEVER forgive you. I love you. Plain and simple. Absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder, but it certainly makes my more cogniscent of the heartache with you so far away. I love you Samantha. Be Safe.


    Michelle Davis
    (Brother from another mother)

    Shoot me a facebook if you like my skype idea.

    1. What the name of that article you remarked at the beginning. Looks very interesting.

  7. i love you
    <3 Courtney L

  8. Have you tried youtube, formspring or stumble? Or porn? The internet is a big place...

    You can also steal things from other people for free.

    I dig what you're saying though.
